Key Opinion Leaders Vs. Influencers: Are They The Same?

 In some ways key opinion leaders and influencers are one in the same. Most would argue that there is no is difference between the two at all. But in fact, they are indeed different and similar in ways. People recognize key opinion leaders for their knowledge on various subjects so they are more influential and influence people's decisions. As for influencers, people clearly respect influencers enough for people to take notice of them, when it comes to influencers people respect them enough to trust influencers judgement when it comes to various things, mostly if they have a wide following. We've all been a victim of social media influence to food, makeup, or gadgets from an heavily accredited influencer. For example, famous TikTok socialite Keith Lee is notorious for his many food reviews and food combinations from different restaurants. Keith Lee gives his honest review of the food from his car with no special set up or anything official such as fancy cameras or special lighting. People trust his honest opinion on food because of the following he has and the honesty he has given upon the food he has tried. Even though Keith Lee has a wide following a lot of people gripe that since he's not an official chef or food critic that he has no say on to how to review food and that he should not be taken seriously. Whereas to if Food Network star Guy Fieri was to review the same food and same style as Keith Lee it would be taken more seriously because Guy Fieri is a world renowned chef and has many cooking experiences. Most would label Keith Lee as the influencer and Guy Fieri as the key opinion leader. 

Enough of comparisons, lets talk about what key opinion leaders and who they are. Key opinion leaders is a person or organization who has expertise and knowledge in a respective field. Most opinion leaders are trusted relevant interest groups and have significant effects on the consumers behavior. I know we were supposed to stop the comparisons but lets take it back shall we? There is a key difference to key opinion leaders and influencers. In the modern sense, influencers operate solely through the internet, trying to make a name for themselves and building a following and exerting their influence onto social media. Then theres the key opinion leaders, they have no requirements to operate online or on any social platform. Key opinion leaders are solely the "go-to" people for the subject of their expertise. As mentioned, the example of Guy Fieri as the key opinion leader, people label him the "go-to" because he is a chef with an exponential amount of notoriety and fame and he is knowledgeable on food preparation and presentation. Keith Lee would be accredited as the influencers because his reach his from social media and he fully operates online. Since he is an internet sensation he has a wide following but still has people that wouldn't label him as a food critic because he has only reviewed food in his car on social media with no actually chef and food critic experience. 

Influencers can be key opinion leaders as vice versa for key opinion leaders. But, there is no need for the two roles to overlap. Key opinion leaders have been around for centuries even for as long as humans could even speak. Many opinion leaders actively avoid social media because they simply don't see the use for it and don't intend to devote the time to use it. Most leaders would consider social media as a massive waste of their time. They don't care to operate on any socials nor to have a following on them, they just want the recognition of having expertise on a topic. In small hometowns where the population low, most locals probably treat their doctor as a key opinion leader, just because of the respect of their work. If a local has health problems, they will immediately go to their doctor assistance. Even if the local paper wants to know the effects of a medical issue, they'll contact they primary doctor for advice. Many of you that are reading this blog doing research for your professor, are appointed key opinion leaders in regards of their title. If advice is needed on an historical piece from a student they will seek to their professor for assistance. 

Both influencers and key opinion leaders have one major difference, and it is how they both spend their time. They both are and have to be knowledgeable about their work. They are both topic experts. Most influencers with social media, blogging, or YouTube is their full time job. Influencers specialize in proclaiming about their topic of expertise. Meanwhile, key opinion leaders spend a majority of their time perfecting their area of expertise. Opinion leaders would rather be doing the doing instead of the telling because that is what they specialize in. They'll probably devote their spare time here and there to go onto social media, but they are not going to waste their "doing" time to spend all day to build up their following, create YouTube videos, or even constructing the perfect feed post. Key opinion leaders do not want a "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" moment with their perfect pictures and spa selfies. They are far more likely to spend their day writing horror books, cooking, or acting as a Hollywood socialite.

Influencers are exceptional communicators, it has to be a given quality in order to gain a following. Communication is just one of their specialties just as well as they are knowledgable about a certain niche or topic. Influencers can be classified teachers in their own way because they mastered the art of explaining their knowledge to their online followers. While opinion leaders and influencers both have the ability to influence both public opinion and behavior, they very much differ in their expertise, context, nature of influence, and engagement style. Opinion leaders are generally respected and trusted experts with specific domains or communities, while influencers leverage their online presence and popularity to engage with and influence a broader audience, often in partnership with brands.


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